WTC witness Robert Harper, NBC, 9/12, 00:27
WTC witness Robert Harper, NBC, 9/12, 00:27
WTC witness Robert Harper, NBC, 9/12, 00:27
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
source: International_Center_for_911_Studies_NIST_FOIARelease_28Release 2842A0302 - G28D7WPIXCD1of7 -- previously, this was all that had been seen of the video: and read more
World Trade Center survivors talk -- See the full 9/11 documentary playlist: and find my free (more…) read more
2nd plane impact - all photos and videos of the plane are on my site read more
September 11th 2001 Jim Huibregtse clip_25 read more
The National September 11 Memorial & Museum hosts its annual commemoration ceremony to observe the 22nd anniversary of the... read more
Jim Huibregtse clip_21.avi from folder: 911datasets.orgInternational_Center_for_911_Studies_NIST_FOIARelease_14_-_NIST_Cumulus_Video_DatabaseNIST Cumulus VideoJim Huibregtse read more
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