Witnesses Shanksville, NBC, 9/11, 18:34
Witnesses Shanksville, NBC, 9/11, 18:34
Witnesses Shanksville, NBC, 9/11, 18:34
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
"An intimate look at a 9/11 hijacker" nn_popkin_tapes_081122.flv read more
Elevator car "blown" out of its shaft. Inside inspection by the OEM reports. Also FDNY says it consulted an... read more
Advocaat van de duivel, Dutch television, AVRO, april 8, 2009, part 4/4 read more
Allan Dodds Frank, 50 stories collapsed, CNN, 11:07, 9/11 Is he talking about WTC7 that imploded at 17:20? read more
from folder: 911datasets.orgInternational_Center_for_911_Studies_NIST_FOIARelease_14_-_NIST_Cumulus_Video_DatabaseNIST Cumulus VideoCBS-Net NIST Dub #6 read more
A Pentagon security camera video records the impact of alleged American Airlines Flight 77 as it crashes into the... read more
Witness officer Barry Foust, Pentagon, NBC, 15:17, 9/13 read more
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