Satelite images, Fox, 20:48, 9/13
Satelite images, Fox, 20:48, 9/13
Satelite images, Fox, 20:48, 9/13
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
Dave Whitman and Rudi Dekkers, NBC, 09:20, 9/13 read more
Pentagon witness, Don Wright, ABC, 9/11, 10:05 read more
Bush press conference, ABC, 11:06, 9/13 Can you believe we actually fell for this? read more
Spread this around! Source download: -- He only has to be right once. Official story takes (more…) read more
In this video, we examine how the devastating 9/11 terrorist attacks unfolded in September 2001, as the world prepares... read more
I'll delete this video when Corbett deletes his. There were no explosions before the 1st plane hit. Hear and... read more
Pentagon witness,Maj. Wayne Gardner 2/2, Fox, 9/13, 08:17 read more
Rare docu. shares insights of 9/11 Air Traffic Controllers -- specifically, Dave Bottiglia helps contradict the Commission Report .... read more
Thanks -- read more
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