Remembering September 11, 2001: Letter Carrier Emma Thornton
Emma Thornton’s route covered floors 77 through 110 of Tower 1. It was the first to be struck that day. 10048 and 10047 were the ZIP codes for the World Trade …
Emma Thornton’s route covered floors 77 through 110 of Tower 1. It was the first to be struck that day. 10048 and 10047 were the ZIP codes for the World Trade …
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
OSAMA, USAMA... BIN LADEN - "Public enemy #1" despite his initial denial of involvement. Full broadcast (more…) read more
source: the International Centor for 9/11 Studies NIST FOIA, release 10, WTCI-28-NYC_Pt4of4.wmv read more
American Airlines Flight 77 - alleged to have hit the Pentagon on 9/11 - one of many witness reports... read more
American Airlines Flight 77 - alleged to have hit the Pentagon on 9/11 - one of many witness reports... read more
September 11, 2001 TV Broadcast from WWOR-TV, time undetermined read more
On Sept. 11, 2001, al-Qaida hijacked four airliners and crashed two into the World Trade Center, one into the... read more
American Airlines Flight 77 - alleged to have hit the Pentagon on 9/11 - one of many witness reports... read more
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