Peter Jennings, WTC7, 17:40, 9/11
Peter Jennings, WTC7, 17:40, 9/11
Peter Jennings, WTC7, 17:40, 9/11
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
Closest view below the WTC South Tower -- 9/11 closeup -- 4 fps lossless codec converted from 224 MPEG-2,... read more
Nov. 10, 2001 Bush speaks to United Nations -- "Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of... read more
Over the past two decades, new safety features have been implemented in new construction -- but one major recommendation... read more
In response to people who say the flash occurred before the plane impact. Sharpened after HD upscale, from DVD... read more
Single chapter of my 2 hour movie 'Between the Lies'. Composed almost entirely of news broadcasts from 9/11, 9/12... read more
FDNY on 9/11, firefighter victims' families, excellent footage. read more
folder: 911datasets.orgInternational_Center_for_911_Studies_NIST_FOIARelease_14_-_NIST_Cumulus_Video_DatabaseNIST Cumulus VideoABCNISTDubsABC NIST Dub #2 read more
American Airlines Flight 77 - alleged to have hit the Pentagon on 9/11 - one of many witness reports... read more
2nd plane impact - interesting flashing bird anomaly - details at read more
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