Witness Pentagon, FOX, 9/11, 10:26
Witness Pentagon, FOX, 9/11, 10:26
Witness Pentagon, FOX, 9/11, 10:26
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
raw broadcast footage, NIST FOIA release 10, WTCI-329-I-#14.wmv read more
Many heroes emerged from the darkness of the terror attacks on September 11, 2001. One of them was Luis Alvarez,... read more
First and second plane hit, CBS, 9/12, 09:45 read more
2nd plane impact, amateur footage - details at http://www.911conspiracy.tv/2nd_hit.html read more
NIST admits free fall, part III, David Chandler, Nederlands ondertiteld read more
FEMA lead investigator Corley says WTC1 CORE initiation at 35:40 - unlike the NIST sagging truss theory -... read more
rare viewing of WTC Building 7 coming down on 9/11. More info at http://www.911conspiracy.tv/7_WTC.html read more
To comment on this video, or for sources visit: http://letsrollforums.com//9-11-passengers-dna-t32158.html As of April 30, 2004 per (more…) read more
CORRECTION: William G. not Gary P. -- my mistake http://www.911conspiracy.tv/2nd_hit.html read more
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