WTC Witness Dennis Krauss, ABC, 9/11, 10:18
WTC Witness Dennis Krauss, ABC, 9/11, 10:18
WTC Witness Dennis Krauss, ABC, 9/11, 10:18
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
NBC 9/14 at 4:21 am. A Boston Globe reporter notes how we are "led to believe" these fundamentalist Muslims... read more
Although the graphic on TV screens read, "NewsCopter7," the video came from a traffic radio chopper, tail number N8BQ,... read more
To comment on this video, or for sources visit: As of April 30, 2004 per (more…) read more
I'll delete this video when Corbett deletes his. There were no explosions before the 1st plane hit. Hear and... read more
This is the high quality version of "CIA insider tells 9/11 truth". The original on "welcomebackhome" YouTube channel had... read more
First clip aired on PBS NOVA in the U.S. titled "Why the Towers Fell" (2002), regular and zoom. Second... read more
On Wednesday, September 11, New York City FC will host the Club's First Responders Night presented by Your Local... read more
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