Stephen Evans, explosion, BBC News 24, 17:16, 9/11
Stephen Evans, explosion, BBC News 24, 17:16, 9/11
Stephen Evans, explosion, BBC News 24, 17:16, 9/11
On the morning of september 11 2001, I had just finished collecting my video equipment ready to hope uptown, on a job filming a concert. In the streets, people where gathering, staring at the World Trade Center on fire. I unpacked my camera, loaded a new tape and walked to ground zero.
Demonstration of a thermic lance. One of the tools used to cut the steel beams and columns at Ground... read more
Initial FEMA WTC collapse investigation failed - -- the ASCE was hampered and disallowed access to (more…) read more
The NYC Office of Emergency Management inspected the building before its collapse .. between noon and 5PM ... and... read more
Similar footage can be found in files: ABC Dub5 04.avi, ABC Dub5 05.avi, ABC Dub5 07.avi, ABC Dub5 08.avi,... read more
Firefighting on 9/11, the possibility of FDNY saving WTC 7 was real. When was the first order to let... read more
An NYPD officer who survived the 9-11 attacks, recounts the tragic events and the split second decision that may... read more
Stabilized raw footage from rooftop to NE of WTC -- footage details at read more
No conspiracy theories. Finally the facts. When the planes hit the towers, explosions were visible due to commonly carried... read more
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