26AugAugust 26, 2021 NIST lies/fails: the 50 freight elevator Arturo Griffith's account wasn't used in the NIST report, which enabled a story to be told about his freight... read more
25AugAugust 25, 2021 ‘Eyewitness to 9/11: Behind the Lens’ reveals untold stories of America’s darkest day (TRAILER) The images of September 11, 2001, are seared into our memory, the moments broadcast live to the world. Now, on... read more
05AugAugust 5, 2021 9/11 News, False Stories 10:25 am "Another plane hijacking" .. "car bomb at the State Department" .. chaos or lies to stoke fear? A rare... read more
01AugAugust 1, 2021 9/11 WTC Footage, WTC 2 burns New to me. File 314-WTCI-379-I which I cut short, missing all events, found while browsing the NIST drive archive... read more